Playground 7.11.09

Just a little poem from Kunming.

Political Resolutions 11.14.09

A letter to friends after the November 2008 election.

Multiple Choice 11.11.08

A cold new day. A familiar fog. The lazy habits of sleep deprivation, work without breakfast, and a crook-necked bus ride, half-awake. Class. A mundane recovery. Copious copies copied and multiple reems stapled. A brisk sprint back. Test maker and takers make multiple choices. Multiple choice.

Write Yourself a Friendly Haiku 10.25.08

Sunlight wakes me,
though the hotel power is out.
I bathe in darkness.

My stomache churning,
I never should have combined
hot pot and whiskey.

Gary Jules was right:
It's liquor that makes you a man -
Love is for sissies

Out all night dancing,
drank nothing but water,
still sick like a drunk.

How I miss sleeping,
my respite from suffering.
Let's call-off morning.

Bookshare 10.16.08

I put together a facebook group for Shaanxiren to share books, magazines, and whatever else they come up with. I will consider adding a section to the website for this purpose, if it seems like it might be put to use.


Glancing out the window...

of my hotel, I see the morning sun reflected on a billion suspended particles of haze. The apartments across the way drip with light like honey. The architecture is a modern hive. Faintly I can see movements through a window here or there - a man working out, a woman cleaning her window. This is the early morning television of my life - imagining other people's lives through a window. I am just another person waking up in China. I've been talking the last few days with family, and things are so much as usual, yet very mysterious and insecure. We're all in limbo, or playing at Limbo, as if the bar we have to bend-backward under is the threshold of credulity, and absurdity descends day by day. My routine is distraction, action, celebration, and regret. Saturating it all is imagination and nostalgia, wondering what will be, what is, and what could have been. What has been:

I plan to fill in this page with recollections from my journal. If you are curious, please return later.

Goodbye 'Burque 8.4.08

Thursday I begin my Northwest Passage (see 7.21.08 below). For now, I've opened a new gallery at Saatchi for my works for sale. If you're interested in these, or other artworks, please contact me. [Currently I'm offering a reduced $30 commission for one lucky patron, to pay for a Deviant Art subscription].

As for website progress, I've scrapped my previous attempt at designing my own online portfolio, and have begun again using lightbox (js). Design advice and comment is appreciated. Future features include an RSS feed, the portfolio, and expanded content.

The Northwest Passage 7.21.08

I've resolved to get my portfolio and journal up and running before August 7th, when I leave for a farewell tour of the old Northwest. Among my stops will be Portland, Kennewick, Walla Walla, and Seattle. After that, it's a quick hop to Xi'an, where I'll be teaching next year. It all seems so soon.

Updated main page.
Continuing to problem-solve portfolio section.

In the Beginning 6.22.08

Continuing major updates.
Updated resumè.
Portfolio pending.


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